Saturday, May 2, 2009

Killer Smile

I have given up smiling!

No really, what I mean is that I've forced myself not to smile at strangers, because it seems my smile seems to have strange effect on certain kind of men.

What do I mean?

Well let me tell you what happened to me once. It happened to me when I was just a fresh young thing in uni. I was on my way back to my room from class one day and I decided to cut through the admin building because it was too hot to walk outside. As I was climbing up the steps, I noticed a guy with a chauffer uniform was cheerfully helping a lady with some boxes, he was so cheerful I couldn't help but smile at the situation. So there I was smilling to myself really about how nice it is to see human kindness and willingness to help others. What I didn't notice was that this guy thought I was smilling at him, and it must have struck him quite powerfully, cause he proceed to follow me from behind. I thought nothing of it, cause the route I was taking is quite popular route taken by staffs and students alike. It was until I almost reach the safety of hostel block building that I noticed that the man was actually following me. I turned and look at him questioningly, wondering whether I dropped anything.

He smiled and started to ask for my name and telephone number, there I was 19 or 20 (i can't recall exactly) looking at this man who could be my father's age and hearing the worse pick up line in my life. I said no, and started to walk faster, he followed faster and grabbed my hand (which creeps me up tremendously) and stopped me from escaping further.

He said that he just wanted to get to know me and maybe call sometime. I panicked. In that panic I stupidly rattled out my number and ran into the safety of my girls' only hostel building.

He kept calling me again and again, even after I was rude to him or simply hang up. Finally I had to ask a guy friend to have a man to man talk with this crazy stalker of mine.

This was not the only incident that convinced me not to use my smile on strangers, but I am too tired to tell the story now. Let's save that for another post cause it is a funnier and a longer story.



  1. Yas, you should give hime the death smile of Banquo!

  2. If I'd known he was going to react that way I would have. :)
