Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Mummy's Promise

Three weeks ago thereabouts when I was bedsitting Mummy, the patient next to her bed passed away and her mom was crying. I whispered to Mum (and I know this wasn’t fair or very adult), “Mummy promise me, you won’t make me cry that way.” She nodded as Mum always do when I ask her impossible things, never saying a word because she knows I know it is impossible, I just needed the comfort that Mum will try her best for my impossible request. That is Mum to the core; her love for us will make her try all the impossible things and most of the time she made it possible. There are so many things yet I want to share with her, on his attempt to help me prepare for the worse, even Phil was distracted with his own hopes and dreams:

[10/8/2010 3:49:59 PM] Phil McQuinn: i saw my own eyes what a wonderful kind person she was
yet the welcome she gave me cannot be exaggerated
it’s a tribute that sounds hollow
I was concerned of course :P
yet your parents set me to ease
and I have nothing but the deepest respect for your father AND mum
the world will be poorer without her, I wish to the bottom of my heart that its not her time
i really want her to see her daughter married
I would dearly wish and i do pray I can watch you show her, her grandchildren
it would give me great happiness to see that day
but those are my hopes, my dreams
not to burden you with
got distracted

But I guess that is just us planning, God decides. However I made Mummy promise, the decision is in God’s hand. Ya Allah, will you grant me a little more time?...

1 comment:

  1. Yasleh, semoga Allah berikan yang terbaik buat ibumu.

    Ingatlah, Allah maha mengetahui.

    Tabahkan hati dan kuatkan iman. Semoga Allah sentiasa bersamamu.
